Chess Sets for Veteran's Day Tournament

Chess Sets for Veteran's Day Tournament

I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner at the Seattle VA, and our team is dedicated to finding innovative ways to combat the pervasive issue of loneliness among the Veterans we serve.

One day, while playing chess with a Veteran named Gilbert Lomboy, I had an idea that creating a chess club specifically for Veterans could be a meaningful way to address this issue.

The chess club gained immense popularity, and as a result, we decided to organize a tournament on Veterans Day. Thanks to the generous support of Raphael and Chess House, we were able to provide some remarkable prizes for the Veterans participating in the tournament.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Chess House for their generosity and commitment to our cause. The tournament not only offers an engaging and competitive activity but also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among our Veterans.

Shared by Olin Martin, event organizer

We plan to share photos of the event soon after.

This prize package made with these items.

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